Social Commitment
We are committed to being a positive force in our host countries, making
meaningful contributions and enabling inclusive economic growth through
strong partnerships with stakeholders, local employment, training and
wellbeing initiatives.
At Allied Gold, we believe our people are the foundation of our success.
With over 5,000 of our people employed across 4 countries in Africa, 97
per cent of our people are nationals of the host country of the relevant
office or site. Our unique workforce drives our approach to people
management and lies at the heart of our overall business strategy. We
strive to provide a safe and inclusive work environment for our people and
have significantly improved our safety monitoring and safety data
Beyond the direct employment opportunities our large-scale operations off
communities in and around our assets, our impacts can be seen through the
growth of local supply chains directly servicing the mining industry and a
significant contribution to GDP growth. In 2022, we contributed $683
million to host countries in the form of taxes, royalties, expenditure,
with almost $3 million directly invested in host communities.
To create tangible benefits for our host communities, we ensure our ESG
strategies align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). To date, our activities have contributed to progressing social
development in relation to several goals. This includes implementing
awareness and screening campaigns targeting malaria, AIDs, diabetes,
breast cancer and cervical cancer (SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing),
creating professional development opportunities for our people and youth
(SDG 4 – Quality Education), proactively managing water usage (SDG 6 –
Clean Water and Sanitation), promoting a local and diverse workforce (SDG
8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth), building an inclusive and equitable
workforce (SDG 10 – Reduce Inequalities), and fostering ethical and
respectful behaviour in our people (SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong