Allied Gold Corporation (TSX:AAUC) is an international gold mining company with a high quality and diversified portfolio of long-life assets located in the African mining friendly jurisdictions of Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ethiopia. The assets include both development stage and operating properties and feature significant near-term growth upside.

The Company plans to implement operational improvements and phased expansion to increase production and reduce costs over the near term. Additionally, the company aims to advance its exciting exploration properties in an attempt to growth Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources, adding both to production and mine life.

Allied Gold is ideally positioned to build the next senior global gold producer with a clear path to >700-800koz of gold production per year.

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Why Invest in Allied Gold

~375 Koz Au

Sustainable Production Platform

11.2 MOZ

Au (2P Reserves)

16.0 Moz

Au (M&I Resources)

~800 Koz

Au Production Target (2029E)

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